Month: September 2003


    Since I didn't have time to write about anything noteworthy or reply with any clear conscience to any of the other fine blogs out there today, here is something just to help you through this difficult time. I guess you can describe Blogbat as Sean Hannity meets Dr. Laura meets Matt Drudge and today meets Ben Stein. Today, it's been Stein to the brim, baby. Cheers!


    For everyone whose week is sort of like mine, bonus picture to prove this isn't just a copy of a blog from 21 days ago...


    Why Mullets Don't Have Cats


    No translation or explanation of the preceeding neccesary


    Translation and explanation of the following here


    Bonus ad hoc ad-stuff at end of blog


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem
    accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo
    enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.
    Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.


    This has been brought to you by Onstar.


    The following is an actual call from an Onstar subscriber:


    Onstar: "Hello how can we help you?"


    Subscriber: "Hello Onstar? I was just hit by a nuclear bomb and..."


    Onstar: "Is everyone in your car okay?"


    Subscriber: Billy's sunglasses are melted and Sarah's losing her hair, but I think we're alright."


    Onstar: "Is there any damage to your vehicle?"


    Subscriber: I think we got a dent. I'm not sure if we need to wait here where it happened so we can get a police report for the insurance company or not."


    Onstar: "You should wait there, we'll call the police, that way you can prove later what happened. Were there any witnesses?"


    Subscriber: I'm not sure. We are so used to living in our own world where we don't notice things like pedestrians, cars we just cut off or terrorists wantonly crossing the Canadian and Mexican borders, I don't know who saw what."


    Onstar: "Don't worry about it. Chances are, if anyone actually did see anything, they would have forgotten it two or three years later when the insurance company actually needed it."


    Subscriber: "Thank you Onstar!"





  •  Jeremiah 29:11                                                                                                  Isaiah 43-44, 53


    A Happy Y Rosh HaShannah

    May you find a new year of peace, good-will and the bountiful blessings

     of God that only come from knowing Him




    Apples n Honey !






    Part deux: Another Birthday, A New Year


    I had a wonderful evening tonight. And I believe I found at least two dessert recipes I need to try out, which were mucho delish!


    This afternoon was hectic though. As always, the traffic is crazy around the capitol after three in the afternoon. But I always love it. I love going past that building set atop that huge hill. I love the feel of being where things are going on, masses and masses of people going here and there, historical buildings, tourists. This is heaven. Not as cool as London, but the approximation in form and function gives me a little fix. I have to be in the middle of the stir pot or I just don’t feel relevant. So anyway, I entered the fray as I said around 3 this afternoon, still slightly ahead of my peers in hitting the street. I wanted to get to a flag shop before they closed and I also needed to check out some things for a client and do so many other things before this evening.


    Tonight was incredible, as I said. My buddy Nathan (the Ukrainian) and I share the same birthday, which is Monday and the celebration of them was tonight. A birthday always means a new year and a new start and a new list, but especially mine, since it typically falls right in the middle of the beginning of the Jewish New Year. One lady brought this HUGE cake. It is nearly the size of the table it’s on (per the pic you see below).



    Of course, everyone ate off the side with my name (I guess because I’m sweeter) making only a slight dent in the entire cake, which will no doubt go bad, since it won’t fit in the fridge. Also, one of my most favorite singers and songwriters since childhood was there, it was really cool. I also talked to some friends about going horseback riding sometime soon. Now I am excited.


    This evening was absolutely fun-city. Now I’m tired, so I am going to bed. Ciao bellas!



    OKAY! so sticking to my day job: here's some of what went down today


    (we already did this earlier, duh)


    ...There's more, but I don't know what Nathan did with the rabbits.



    The daily Poo

    “Look stimpy! Eeet's Poooooo!”


    My day was briefly halted today when someone sent me this website and the whole matter of the mullet became unavoidable for that brief moment or two in something comparable to a scene from one of Dante's more famed books. But it forced the question upon me, from which I had no escape: Do adult men/women in baggy jeans- still wear mullets? And do they still insist on having mullets occur along with the single ear-ring on their young male children? I had my reservations, but I am beginning to think we have not escaped this dark age of sensibility and I have a theory about that- about whom we might begin to blame. I think a big role in maintaining mullet-culture has been the daytime TV likes of Jerry Springer. When one thinks of him, one can hardly help but think of chair-throwing mullets. Indeed, if guns cause homicide, SUVs cause the death of exotic birds and sleeveless t-shirts cause the abuse of the fairer sex (be she commonlaw wed or of a more traditional arrangement) then perhaps mullets cause bad TV and the propensity to throw chairs. I should have to research this and there remain still many as yet unanswered questions, such as what is the affect of the mullet in Europe? Still popular with ?-class Germans, I have to wonder if it means something entirely different to them there or if they simply have never gotten over Billy Idol. That would explain the guys, I'm guessing. I think I need to do further research in Lisbon, Portugal before I make any conclusions on the entire matter. But it might also come from being culturally influenced by small mop-dogs with their poofy hair on top and their long ears and tails. Strange. I don't know of any cat-people who have mullets. Material, I'm sure for much debate among the cat and dog camps. I for one own a dog. I am not anti-cat and perhaps that is why I do not have a mullet! No, wait, my family would disown me. Or then again, I suppose they both could be true. Mor-on this later. 


    Well, these are some of my thoughts. I will leave you at that for now, I must return to my day. -Blogbat


    post script: if anyone reading this has a mullet or has a loved one with a mullet, PLEASE don't take this in any mean-spirited way. Just in fun :p


    OKAY! so sticking to my day job: here's some of what went down today


    1. Got a Starbuck's Frap

    2. Let the dog out. (yes, I did it, "woof, woof woof")

    3. Worked some

    4. Here I am, wasn't that fun?


    This list is sponsored by the National Abridgate Foundation, sponsoring selected truncated works since 1974.


    "Give me ambiguity...or give me something else."

    ...There's more, but with all of the mullet talk, I don't think we need any more cutting up in this blog


    The daily Poo

    “Look stimpy! Eeet's Poooooo!”



    A busy day this was, going about hither and thither like a chicken with its head cut off (at least I tasted that way). Busy doing the work of work and the extra work of clients and the additional work of sporatic blogging and the additional additional work of feigning being social when really all I could imagine doing was crashing after being up so late last night. Tomorrow night will be fun though, I can't wait. And then Monday would be my birthday, but I hear the cake actually happens tomorrow night at the festivities, where a Ukrainian friend of mine will also be celebrating his birthday that falls on the same as mine. So, even with all this on the agenda tomorrow, it should be a cakewalk.


    But first, let's not jump ahead too far, friends. I have decided on a name for Mr. Duck. Trust me, this is a momentous occasion (it has taken long enough to be such) I have decided after exhaustive review to name him...Ben. Not Ben Stein, or Ben T.D. That, but Ben AFLACK! Assuming he is a boy, of course. And provided he is a boy and not a goy Ben is a suitable name for him. I am not sure what I shall rename the ornithoid if luck has it that it's a girl. "Bat" comes to mind, but I think that while those fluent in the language to which I'm referring would appreciate it, others would not be able to make the connection between a large, white quacking creature and a small, black, squeeking one. Though after some explanation I have no doubt the newly informed would be all over it much the same as would a chiropteric upon a junebug...or was that a duck? Thus, his name is Ben and probably won't ever have to have Ben there, done Bat.



    OKAY! so sticking to my day job: here's some of what went down today


    1. Got a Starbuck's Frap

    2. Let the dog out. (yes, I did it, "woof, woof woof")

    3. Had Lunch

    5. "Geeked" & worked on some other stuff

    6. Geeked some more

    7. Took the Sceinic route

    8. Ate food

    9. Let the dog out. (yes, I did it, "woof, woof woof") (yes, I really did)

    10. Here I am, wasn't that fun?


    This list is sponsored by the National Abridgate Foundation, sponsoring selected trunkated works since 1974.


    "Give me ambiguity...or give me something else."

    ...There's more, but why spell it out if you can't type braille? (Though I had the measles once)


    The daily Poo

    “Look stimpy! Eeet's Poooooo!”

  • A Celtic Hymn…from my pen


    As songs from elven

    Her name echoes through the soul

    As yet

    As before


    For here my heart has not been freed

    The fateful devotion of its delight

    Has not a one found more so true

    As I, a score of autumn lights


    As yet

    As before

    Still with me

    My beloved sworn


    Nothing changes

    As seasons come

    Unaffected winter

    I wait


    As yet

    As before


    No one passes onward

    This, my sentry torn

    For they know not the rightful words

    Which do unlock this door


    Many have erred quite closely

    I wished to welcome some

    An oath, that they could not know me

    They pre-empted not this gate yet sound


    So then my heart, rests it glad

    The sacred was not tread

    For shines yet these lights eternal and

    If just a one were she…


    And as yet

    As before

    Still with me

    My beloved sworn


    As Yet

    As Before

    Still with me

    My beloved sworn



    Unfettered and yet not free

    My heart, unbound by mortal’s decree

    And still it's bound in the strongest hold

    A spirit’s bond beyond this world



    As Yet

    Just as Before

    Still with me

    My beloved sworn


    ...How long tarries love

     Upon its last infilling?

    How far walks a man

    In this desert dwelling?


    Yet I wither not

    For want of water

    Though times may come

    I’m near to faint


    Though much is here

    That I could drink

    That fills the mouth

    But not the stomach


    My soul satiates

    Against all but one

    Whom still I do not have

    …And still I hold


    The one who would also have me

    Seems lost until that Hour

    When as Yet

    As before


    As Yet

    As Before

    Still with me

    My beloved sworn

    There’s something in the heart that remembers

    When as yet

    But as before


    If now this drink I cannot have

    Then this taste I savor upon parched lips

    Of last drops’ sought and found so fair

    ‘Tis worth more and sweeter than any kiss


    (c)2003 Martin K-P

  • A Note from the Garden Journal Volume 1.5

    a weekly weekend event of timely trifles


    I recently read an article which discussed the matter of the Israeli conflict in some detail. It was not an eloquent diatribe of political doublespeak or an attempt to win the Peabody award. It was simply something which listed the events of the past several years factually and in order, leaving the reader to determine for himself what it means. (It is recommended reading. You can find it here.) But scarcely would there be anybody who would, if they were honest, say that Arafat and his ilk, the Syrians, the Iranians and others (who also make up the bulk of resistance in Iraq) are in any way interested in Peace. Neither the PLO nor Hamas or Islamic Jihad wants peaceful co-existence. They want to annihilate Israel.


    But what of the Palestinians? Don't they have a right to be there? They indeed do. So long as they abide by Israeli law, they are, it is a fact, allowed to live and thrive there. And indeed, thrive they do. Arab-Israelis hold seats in the Knesset (the Israeli parliament), shop in stores lined with all of the plentiful groceries we take for granted in the U.S. or Europe and if an Arab-Israeli wishes to better himself in life, he can attend university or become an entrepreneur and make himself very successful indeed. In fact, Israel offers opportunities for Arabs no Arab nation on the face of the earth provides...for its non-royal members. Arab women too here, find equal opportunities for goal-realization as Israelis. But that is just the ethnic aspect.


    There is also the religious aspect. Lest you think the Wahabi sect and so forth control all of Islam, think again. There are many, many Muslims who find the radical militants of their faith to in fact be a seriously sick cult, which must be reigned in. Unfortunately for those living today, Islam is in a state of change, but at present painfully slow change. But this will be good for those living tomorrow. Presently a large section of the world's mosques (which exist in the middle east) are controlled by extremists who have no interest in God, rather their interests lie in their own hold on power. But again, this is changing---even though large wheels turn more slowly, this one is turning. Many, despite fear of death, torture and imprisonment are publicly denouncing and rejecting these leaders as heretics, charlatans and cancerous, in an effort to return to the theology they feel is actually a consistent one with original Islamic principles. And this really is a human thing. So too, one might observe that the Christians faced just such a battle in the Middle Ages against those who controlled the Catholic Church. Certainly if church leaders could ignore, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” a Biblical teaching reiterated by Jesus Christ Himself, it stands to reason that the hardened heart and the evil soul know no vocational limitations. King David during the early days of Israel's kingdom (some 3,000 years ago) also experienced that fact, as his predecessor, Saul pursued him with a vengeance. In the Middle Ages the pope had all but declared war on anyone who did not conform to his brand of faith, feeling his seat was threatened by competing lines of thought much more than by any sense of concern (which evokes compassion) for the souls of men. So with burnings at the stake, tortures and by use of so many other brutal methods, a war was carried out against the Jews, the Christians, the Moslems, even the Hedonists or anyone else (who did not play the political game). At the same time these powers-that-be, or that were, prevented the common man from gaining access to the sacred texts of the Bible and other knowledge, which would have put an end to the inquisitions, pogroms and crusades...and eventually in part did. While there are certainly many scars that remain from this period, the church arguably has done much in returning to its original first-century roots with regard to doctrine. There are still many wounds to heal both within and outside Christianity as a whole because a few were allowed by passive onlookers to turn it into a distant cult of its historical intent. So too it seems is it with anything man is involved in: “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing”…and no one group is immune.


    The benefit of history on where Islam is today, if history is to be predicted based on the past, is that over the next hundred or so years Islamic leadership should be broken into less centralized groups of control, whereby the necessary checks and balances for theological authenticity will be set forth on a large scale. Perhaps this will happen sooner than expected; after all, things often change very rapidly in wars, particularly once the head of the snake is cut off. And the head of the snake in my view isn't even the Islamic extremists, but rather is what props them up. Some say the head is Iran, but I would disagree with that. But that is a topic for another time; however it does further prove that the radical clerics are nothing more than frauds, while at the same time being also nothing more than hit-men and pawns. As I have mentioned before (and it is being revealed more and more in recent headlines) that the true head of the snake sits comfortably in East Asia. About as far from true Muslim interests as possible. And equally as far from Christian and religious Jewish interests as well. Come to think of it, Buddhists in Tibet for awhile haven't exactly been too happy with the events in their neighborhood either. Well, I suppose no one really is better off under Communism except of course for its fat, self-serving, lying, self-appointed rulers, who by these traits bear quite a bit in common with the unfaithful senior clerics of much of the middle east who claim allegiance to Allah, but inside cynically disregard the teachings of peace and kinship with fellow man counted by the devout of common men as most sacred.


    -Blogbat a.k.a. Martin


    A Note from the Garden Journal Volume 1.5


  • Well, today has come and gone at terminal velocity.

    Tomorrow I think I will be wearing my goggles. I was supposed to meet with a client today but was unable to. The rental car people kinda goofed which kinda made me feel as if I kinda goofed when I called them...but no worries. I was able to reschedule and I ended up getting a neat toy to drive around for a couple of days. Fast, black and sporty. I may not wish to relinquish it. On second thought, I also like not having a car payment...but on third, I shall stop.

    So, as I was saying, much was done today though much remained to be done.


    It feels like fall. I am slipping into that pleasant melancholy of autumn where one begins to sit out in the cooler air and enjoy the leaves as they turn. All the while anticipating the festivals and holidays (in my case, the birthdays) just around the corner. I am really beginning to anticipate chilly nights at Vanderbilt football games, steam-breathing extra-fuzzy horses and the smell of busy chimneys from fireplaces warming up the sprightly souls who have been playing outside all day in the neighborhood. Eventually, I'm sure that will once again come full-circle to my home, but of course this time I'll get to play the elder role-- Although, that is not entirely new for one who has pets, I suppose. For now, I relish the pleasant memories of autumn and enjoy the newer things that it has meant.


    Tomorrow I think I will go visit my duck. He is probably waiting for me...and the bagels. No lox for him, though. After all, I wouldn't think it proper to spoil the bird. I am seriously thinking about the names "Ben" or "Bill" for him. I'll try them out on the morrow, methinks. I might also go play with some horses after my meeting with the client; I need that fix too. I'm in the mood for hot chocolate, so I guess that one will be on the list as well.





    Okay, so sticking to my day job: here's some of what went down today


    1. Got a Starbuck's Frap

    2. Let the dog out. (yes, I did it, "woof, woof woof")

    3. Had Lunch

    5. "Geeked" & worked on some other stuff

    6. Picked up my rental car

    7. Drove around like a teenager for awhile and ran errands

    8. Cooked some bok bok (chicken--don't tell the duck)

    9. Here I am, wasn't that fun?


    This list is sponsored by the National Abridgate Foundation, sponsoring selected trunkated works since 1974.


    "Give me ambiguity...or give me something else."

    ...There's more, but in the interest of national security, we cannot reveal Dick Clarks actual age



    The daily Poo

    “Look stimpy! Eeet's Poooooo!”


  • Let’s Play a Game!

    Follow this link and take the first of two dogged Poodle quizes that have escaped. After that, take the second quiz. ...So that you may be one of the lucky ones to find out with complete certainty if you are a poodle-lover or a poodle-hater. Good luck! – Blogbat


    I saw my as-yet un-named duck today. He is one of the most personality-ridden ducks I have ever met. Maybe I will call him Howard...though Bill (per a previous blog post-script) still sounds cool. In it I made the comment, "I have been thinking of the name 'Bill' because Bill O'Reiley looks kinda like a duck." I then explained, "I like Bill, but I could see him selling Aflack." I still can see both of those things. Per what Braddock said, although "Steve" is a nice name, I think I would not earn any points with one of my best friends or my uncle if I went that route with the duck. I had a cat once named Tikva (Hope), so maybe I'll go the thought-provoking route...or not, we are still talking about a duck here and I don't think he would want that to happen to him.



    I wish I could make up my mind about the girls I meet. I go back and forth between interest and disinterest too many times to count within an...hour. It's been like this forever, it seems. Beautiful girls, charming, intelligent, spiritual girls. I have ambivalence. It's not that I vacillate with regard to the physical attraction factor, since they are typically quite attractive. I just am off and on about what I want, if anything, to do about it. Blogbat finds this incredibly frustrating. But he will cease to bore you with his personal affairs, such that they are....


    What a full day for the Blogbat. I am finally getting back to the blogs, but I still have a big week ahead. Today I went to Brentwood to do some work and tried a new Mexican restaurant for lunch. It was okay, but I still was hungry afterward...and there were flies everywhere at the outside table we had. I guess that was part of the "authentic" flare they were shooting for. We kept looking around for the cows or road kill that would explain these flies, but to no avail. After this however, all was made right by a trip to Starbucks, where I got my favorite faire. Life goes better with excessive sugar and caffeine. I got a lot of sun today too, from eating outside and cruising around with the top down. I also got to play with horses today. Three mares, one bold, two shy, all deeply interested in the food I had. The bold one was a gorgeous Quarter Horse in great shape and shine, but her hooves looked horrible. The best I could imagine was that her owners were treating them. But they still looked terribly dry. Hope she doesn't founder.


     Another wonderfully cool evening, nice to have the windows open. Last night America's Team won against the NY Giants in an overtime game of games. Truly, Blogbat is a happy cat.

    Okay, so sticking to my day job: here's some of what went down today


    1. Got a Starbuck's Frap

    2. Let the dog out. (yes, I did it, "woof, woof woof")

    3. Worked on stuff

    4. Had lunch with friends

    5. Worked on some more stuff

    6. Car died, had AAA tow it to my place, tomorrow looks to be a day full of repair bills and rental cars

    7. Did my usual walk and duck visit

    8. Did some other stuff

    9. Wrote this fine and dandy blog


    This list is sponsored by the National Abridgate Foundation, sponsoring selected trunkated works since 1974.


    "Give me ambiguity...or give me something else."

    ...There's more, but it'll cost you



    The daily Poo

    “Look stimpy! Eeet's Poooooo!”



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