September 25, 2003



    A busy day this was, going about hither and thither like a chicken with its head cut off (at least I tasted that way). Busy doing the work of work and the extra work of clients and the additional work of sporatic blogging and the additional additional work of feigning being social when really all I could imagine doing was crashing after being up so late last night. Tomorrow night will be fun though, I can’t wait. And then Monday would be my birthday, but I hear the cake actually happens tomorrow night at the festivities, where a Ukrainian friend of mine will also be celebrating his birthday that falls on the same as mine. So, even with all this on the agenda tomorrow, it should be a cakewalk.


    But first, let’s not jump ahead too far, friends. I have decided on a name for Mr. Duck. Trust me, this is a momentous occasion (it has taken long enough to be such) I have decided after exhaustive review to name him…Ben. Not Ben Stein, or Ben T.D. That, but Ben AFLACK! Assuming he is a boy, of course. And provided he is a boy and not a goy Ben is a suitable name for him. I am not sure what I shall rename the ornithoid if luck has it that it’s a girl. “Bat” comes to mind, but I think that while those fluent in the language to which I’m referring would appreciate it, others would not be able to make the connection between a large, white quacking creature and a small, black, squeeking one. Though after some explanation I have no doubt the newly informed would be all over it much the same as would a chiropteric upon a junebug…or was that a duck? Thus, his name is Ben and probably won’t ever have to have Ben there, done Bat.



    OKAY! so sticking to my day job: here’s some of what went down today


    1. Got a Starbuck’s Frap

    2. Let the dog out. (yes, I did it, “woof, woof woof”)

    3. Had Lunch

    5. ”Geeked” & worked on some other stuff

    6. Geeked some more

    7. Took the Sceinic route

    8. Ate food

    9. Let the dog out. (yes, I did it, “woof, woof woof”) (yes, I really did)

    10. Here I am, wasn’t that fun?


    This list is sponsored by the National Abridgate Foundation, sponsoring selected trunkated works since 1974.


    “Give me ambiguity…or give me something else.”

    …There’s more, but why spell it out if you can’t type braille? (Though I had the measles once)


    The daily Poo

    “Look stimpy! Eeet’s Poooooo!”

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