January 17, 2004



    So, Blogbat went to the zoo this week to watch the Nashville Predators and the LA Kings er, duke it out at the Hick-Music Hall. The Sports analysts’ choice was the LA Kings. But our own Preds couldn’t be counted out that easily. They were the clear pick for the animal rights wacko fans, who saw a stark contrast between the Kings (who, would typically be a bunch of evil male rulers, who plundered the land and would’ve driven SUV’s had they been given the chance) and the Predators (poor fuzzy animals who had to struggle each and every day to catch unwilling food simply in order to survive – similar to today’s blue-collar laborer). So naturally, it was a tough match-up. Today’s politically-correct Sports casters must’ve surely had a hard time with this one! The game ended after one overtime, tied at 0.


    After the game, my Ukrainian buddy and I grabbed a bite to eat and almost saw a pedestrian get flattened by the outlandish behavior of a wacko driver. -We had crossed the street just moments before he reached that intersection. – This, as we and the throng of newly released and greatly unwashed sports-fans walked the streets of downtown amidst the rather frigid weather that was something like an experience or two I had in Chicago, if memory serves me correctly, which it often does.




    Apparently, as evidence of our moral decline, fans may freely engage in “relations” during the game in selected quarters of the stadium :p


    It was a long week at work, this week. Yesterday one of the guys I work with was talking to a guy at a base in Iraq. I don’t think we fully appreciate the dramatic changes which have occurred in that country since the Iraqis were liberated several months ago. Why do you suppose you never hear about the American men who have spent hours reopening water purification plants, hospitals, markets…and stocking them with supplies? Why is it we do not hear about the countless Iraqi leaders who are praising our humanitarian accomplishments or really, the entire humanitarian Accomplishment? Why is that, do you suppose? You mean to tell me negative news is the only news that sells? Then why was the Elizabeth Smart case so widely covered after she was found? They should have dropped the story right there, if this were true. But it got more coverage after the happy ending. Why is it that stories of the lost puppy turning up safe in a sewer after having tracked his distraught, moving family across three states through underground pipes, is so widely reported and lauded by reporters and watchers alike, but not the story of a family whose child was dying of a disease which could be cured by simple medical attention and clean water…and was? If it were only bad news that sells, the only thing we would have heard about was the former’s headline, “Dog-Gone”. No, I would say that in point of fact, the only time the press is reluctant to report good news is if it helps the Bush administration, or conservatives in general. (For instance all the times guns save lives of innocent people who were able to defend themselves…which by the way is a staggering number). I was sent an e-mail by an American military source in Iraq recently, who thought this odd as well. He was there in the middle of it. He saw what it was really like. He knew that the quality of life there was rapidly improving far beyond anything it had been under Saddam Hussein – and most people there were really very happy about it. But he had also heard reports from back home that none of it was being reported, even by Fox News and other outlets the Left whines about being part of a “Neo-Con” conspiracy- or “Zionist conspiracy”, depending on the liberal you talk to. And this saddened him. I think it should sadden all of us. Forget about politics, we have saved countless lives and rescued countless souls from the horror of Saddam’s torture chambers and rape rooms and given them a new breath of hope in their country. To oppose that, you are not acting as one who is simply anti-Bush. You are anti-humanitarian, anti-human rights, anti-compassion. You are on the side of ones as cruel and evil a monster as Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin. Iraq has nothing to do with Bush and everything to do with the sanctity of human life. Even Clinton recognized this in his day. So did General Wesley “Buttercup” Clark. At least they did when those two were earning political points for it. I suppose now they have returned to their true sentiments of opposing freedom and human rights, which is disappointing. But then, the far Left hasn’t really been very much in tune with that concept either since that dubious era of Margaret Sanger, Henry Ford et al was bestowed upon us. If those who appose our efforts in Iraq choose to do so, they choose to appose the innocent Iraqi people and instead align themselves with the dysfunctional “my mom-didn’t-breast-feed-me-because-my-daddy-beat-her-so-now-I’m-angry-because-I-was-cheated-by-the-man-and-I-also-hate-women-and-lack-sufficient-serotonin-in-my-brain” crowd. Go figure. At any rate, these folks are dangerous, but we are beating them every day by every child we save in Iraq. Carpe Dictatoris!


    So back to my week and my day, so far. I have been it seems, on a Martian feeding frenzy these past several days. I believe I have consumed about 300 terabytes of information on the red planet this week alone. If someone walked into my office and saw me drooling at the computer screen, they might have serious misgivings until they saw what was actually on the screen: the beautiful scenic shots of the landscape of Mars as taken by Spirit. You know, it actually sort of reminds me of some of the hilly plains of west Texas. I have always had one lifelong wish: To set foot on that planet. I don’t know how likely that is, but it captures my imagination so, as does the new direction in which we are headed. To be the generation on the precipice of “the Final Frontier” is so incredible. Our generation will be one of such importance in history books read by our progeny. It’s better than having a six-legged cow you donated to Ripley’s Believe it or Not! as one American farmer recently did.


    So, today is an easy one. A lazy one. After having slept in until nine I am now fully ready to conquer the back porch, a Starbucks, a newspaper and the sounds of nature keeping time. Then perhaps go to lunch with a friend in Bellevue. Hope yours is as restful a weekend.




    OKAY! So sticking to my day job: Here’s some of what went down today…


    1. Got a Starbuck’s Frap

    2. Let the dog out. (yes, I did it, “woof, woof woof”) 

    3. Began this blog

    4.Here I am, wasn’t that fun?


    *special appearence by MarsBat


    This list is sponsored by the National Abridgate Foundation, sponsoring selected truncated works since 1974.


    “Give me ambiguity…or give me something else.”

    …There’s more, but who wants to hear anthologies of worn out basket weavers?

    The daily Poo

    “Look stimpy! Eeet’s Poooooo!”

Comments (3)

  •  :wink: i was so there… i didn’t stay because they were out of cheap tickets but we listened to the game on the radio and looked at the fights and stuff on the net… we tried so hard..  crazyness!  I think gonna see em feb 18…. wahhooo! haha hope that you had a blast!! God Bless! ><> Janga   :bighug:

  •  :bugeyes: i have to come back and read some of your posts a second and third time. haha i tend to get lost in my thoughts of what your thoughts are haha.. you see the min V pred game.. 0-2 whoo haha :stickdance: haha Hey i have a fav friend in Bellvue!! crazyness! haha later! God Bless ><> Janga :wave:

  • I ain’t stoppin’, I’m just bloghoppin’ and random eproppin’!

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