December 7, 2004



    Number One Way to Make it Through Airline Secruity Unmolested:

    Shout “allah akbar” as you approach the metal detector. They will be relieved you aren’t a meek little old lady on whom they would instead be forced to perform an invasive body search.


    Sports: Selig Sind die Toten…

    John McCain is now threatening congressionally mandated drug tests for baseball players. This as 70+% of all illegal drugs affecting far more people’s lives than do steroids the lives of baseball players, cross the U.S. Mexican border unmolested every day, along with aliens and the promise of turning the U.S. into the next Columbia. So naturally, according to our apparent and strange new national priority baseball commissioner Bud Selig, under the threatened mighty full weight of the federal government is now talking up a stricter paradigm for the league. Meanwhile I wonder how Senator McCain would react to mandatory cocaine tests for U.S. Senators…








Comments (4)

  • be sure to wear a turban while you are shouting it too…they would never look for 10 lbs of plastique under there!

  • Indeed! But I think you girls have even a better way to stylishly keep your privacy while passing through customs and security: designer burquas. Since forcing the veil’s removal would equate to sexual harassment among the PC, no federal worker will go near that. Sure the judge down in Florida disagrees ( but that was a state case ;)

    Of course those designer burquas could come with an additional warning (in t-shirt style big red letters between the eyes and the mouth): “Warning: Removal of this covering will force my husband to beat me.”

  • McCain needs a new cause.

    But the War on Drugs is & always will be a failure, like Prohibition. The whole argument underlying the war – that there’s some intrinsic difference between alcohol & illegal drugs – is false. The way to keep kids off drugs is by being better parents, but people don’t want to hear that

  • Many of the outlaw drugs do carry with them effects which can be more severe than alcohol, particularly because those effects and the chemicals which go with them often remain in the blood stream long after the user uses. But that aside, it means very little anyway when you consider the big picture: that this IS a symptom of a problem and parents had better wake up to what the real problem is (I’ll let Dr. Laura delve into what that is for the moment). But needless to say, society’s sins are only as great as society’s desire to partake therein. Another aspect of this problem is the organized crime problem, and this now crossing the border bringing with it the cartels with their hitmen and thugs so infamous in the bannana republics. In fact at this time our border agents are being shot at with automatics, homes close to the border raided, those in them threatened or worse. Add to that the flood of people many of whom no nothing else than cowing to the drug lords and you have yourself a serious problem much bigger than dysfunctional families with kids who lsiten to too much AC/DC and smoke pot and adults fighting addiction. I really sense a bit of hypocrisy coming from the senate floor on this one. While most reasonable people understand that prolonged steroid use is a serious health risk and should be dealt with within baseball, I’m not sure there is a bigger compelling public interest here than the security risk to all of us from leaving borders open to all. McCain, in my opinion is only trying to get face time.

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