November 11, 2004

  • Bush Floats Major Pb Balloon

    Will Middle-America see alien amnesty as a betrayal?


    Courtesy Wall Street Journal



    The question has appeared again. Whether we should declare everyone who has leapfrogged into the country illegally (without waiting their turn) as citizens without regard if they happen to want it or not, or we abide by the one thing that brings them here to begin with: a stable democracy built on the rule of law.


    The argument for allowing more illegal aliens (reminiscent of that made by proponents of slavery in the 19th century) has been that their cheap labor is good for the economy.


    However the very notion of amnesty and legalization will remove the very cheap-labor base the proponents claim will be permanently created. (Nevermind the cruelty of any scheme that wishes to create a pernanent group of people present soley for near-slave status, where it will be contrary to the very interests of the powers that brought them in to encourage upward movement.)


    So the question on the table that Bush and Secretary of State Powell are now floating, along with Mexican President Vicente Fox is the official resettlement of people Fox for possibly a host of reasons no longer wishes to care for in his own country. This is of course not a new idea. And most recently back in August the Liberal New York Times called on the GOP to embrace amnesty.


    I’ve been thinking long and hard about this since I happen to live in Texas, a state which had to shed blood with Fox’s predecessors just to remain autonomous, which was something that history points out left some bitter feelings on the losing side even until today. But I’ve come to a conclusion about our happy newcomers that even surprised myself.


    This scheme of Mr. Bush and Señor Fox is actually perfectly fine, so long as the following minimal prerequisites are met by prospective citizens:


    Uno: That they be taught how to behave like civilized first-worlders and attentive citizens. No more permissive attitudes toward drinking and driving, littering and loitering.


    Dos: They must learn to use the language of commerce spoken all across the world in its home country: English. Perhaps if many of these new citizens realized that Spanish was the language forced on their Indian forefathers who were forced to speak that language as well as convert to Catholicism, they might have a slightly different attitude about it. English is the language of freedom and also importantly, the language of our laws and Bill or Rights, both of which they need to know for their own protection.


    In other words, President Bush and those in big business have been feeding a stray puppy behind the house for a really long time and now they want to keep it. I admit that in some respects it is a cute puppy, but if we’re going to keep that puppy, he has got to learn not to pee in the house.



    Currently, many working illegals earn no more than $6000 a year. Since one of their strengths is their large, cohesive families, it doesn’t begin to cover the cost of living or healthcare for family members not generating income, such as grandma and grandpa, the kiddies or momma. So add about $15 billion a year in social services for the lot.


    Add to that the cost of unemployment, healthcare and other social services for the 1,880,000 American workers who are displaced from their jobs every year by immigration, according to research done by the Federation for American Immigration Reform.


    The National Academe of Sciences has found that illegal immigration costs the taxpayer between $166 and $226 annually. That comes to 15 to 20 billion dollars a year, outweighing the benefits which are somewhere between one to ten billion annually and which overwhelmingly benefit larger corporate interests – and even that only in the short term.


    Benefiting businesses that is, unless you are in the medical profession: Hospitals across the Southwest have been forced to close their doors forever because they cannot afford the costs of treating so many uninsured patients with last-minute crisis conditions, which the institutions are compelled to accept by federal mandate.


    Another cost: 30% of our federal prison population are illegal aliens. Illegal aliens only make up less than 10% of people in the United States, but make up three times as many federal felons. They are costing the U.S. criminal justice system over 500 million dollars per year. Better that they should rot in Mexican jails, n’est ce pas?


    We are generally not getting Mexico‘s best and brightest, we are not getting their college graduates, their IT specialists or their scientists. We are nearly always getting the people even Mexico, a third-world country, doesn’t want, a vast number of whom wind up in prison. A percentage among their numbers which would be staggering if equal among other groups. And because they come in illegally we don’t know what their background is, if they are wanted by the law in Mexico, if they are deadbeat dads, gang members, drug dealers, murderers or sex offenders. But we do know they are all willing to break the law.


    The standard argument by proponents of open borders is that these are by and large good, “family-values” people. But even the “good” ones are causing an environmental disaster, leaving a trail of non-biodegradable bottles, jugs, bags, boxes and other trash along their way, and more once they get here. Oddly enough also somehow getting a pass from the liberal elite environmental activists who show again how selective they are in applying their purported beliefs.







    Teddy Roosevelt would be rolling over in his grave.


    Another alarming trend: Many of those who do not have a criminal past in Mexico become part of the crime problem once they sneak in. Perhaps that is just because the very act of crossing illegally without consequence teaches a certain number among them they can act with impunity and that we’ll have them no matter what because our greedy corporations want to enslave them. It also teaches them to hold contempt for our country- not exactly a model candidate for citizenship. They often act out by drinking and driving, driving without a license, committing child neglect, littering, loitering and disturbing the peace.


    The cost from 911 responses due to this alone should nearly outweigh any profits their enslavers keep for themselves. The cost from jailing and hospital time is also a big factor, as I’ve already mentioned.


    Many ask how we will be able to afford deporting these illegal aliens and forcing them to follow the law in applying for citizenship or guest-worker status. I ask, how can we afford not to?


    Vicente Fox argues the Bush administration must act now with amnesty because next year will provide, “a window of opportunity, given that neither of our countries will be in elections.” A statement that in itself shows a less-than honorable desire to circumvent the will of not only the American people, but apparently the Mexican people as well.


    But an opportunity for what in Fox’s mind is the question. The past five years have seen well over 115 documented border incursions by the Mexican army, many of them were violent and used deadly force against our border agents. Now whether these militias are acting on an official basis or are acting on bribes from drug lords and snake heads, that, along with the 50-80% of illegal drugs coming across the border carried by Mexican nationals should be reason enough to not only enforce the border, but to know whom exactly we are dealing with individually when talking amnesty.


    America is in danger of losing the poverty war for the first time in over a century, not to mention losing the drug war and possibly even the war on Terrorism. But worse yet, unrestrained, uncontrolled immigration without assimilation threatens those very immigrants with the very real possibility that in the end of the day they will only move from poverty in one country to poverty in another, providing no greater hope for their children. I say this as one who has Mexican blood in his own family.


    Truly this corporate-alien arrangement is a most sick and dysfunctional one - and needs to be stopped at any cost.


    Many in Congress oppose any amnesty program, but we need to let them know that we do too- and that we feel strongly about it. We also need to let President Bush know our position on this, those of us who live on the front lines as it were, and are bearing the brunt of an unregulated and unmitigated human influx.


    The White House:


    Mailing Address


    The White House

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

    Washington, DC 20500


    Phone Numbers


    Comments:   202-456-1111

    Switchboard: 202-456-1414

    FAX:             202-456-2461




    Comments:      202-456-6213

    Visitors Office: 202-456-2121



    President George W. Bush:

    Vice President Richard Cheney:




    The House of Representatives:


    The Senate:




    Related resources:


    Project USA:


    The Federation for American Immigration Reform:



    Related News:


    Mexico Seeks U.S. Immigration Changes – CNN

    Secretary of State Colin Powell, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and several other U.S. Cabinet members began a two-day visit to Mexico City Monday


    Bush Revives Bid to Legalize Illegal Aliens – Washington Times

    President Bush yesterday moved aggressively to resurrect his plan to relax rules against illegal immigration, a move bound to anger conservatives just days after they helped re-elect him



    Related blogs:


    Michelle Malkin:



    Blogbat archives:


    The Saga of Asa and Issa

    Border Guard to Undersecretary of Homeland Security for Border and Transportation Security Asa Hutchison during town hall meeting: “why don’t you let us do our job?”


    ‘Sanctuary’ Practice in Houston Draws Fire

    And militant acts along the border







Comments (4)

  • You know Blogbat, if I didn’t know any better, i’d swear there are some racial undertones in this post. Are the Mexican’s Evil now? A good friend of mine, who is actually a citizen of Canada but born in Columbia (The country) is way more racist of mexicans than you’ve stated in this post.

    Ok, let’s get something pretty clear here. If you are not an American Indian, you are an illegal immigrant. Let’s just rely on history for a moment. Sure things are different right now. Us american’s are nice and cozy with our country. We have Thanksgiving, Christmas, and we’d like to think we are a “God Fearing” country. Hypocrasy has a way of turning into Irony, saying “This land is your land, this land is our land” blatently (with this fine post of yours) turns into “This land is my land…This land is STILL my land”.

    I, for one, do not mind the immigration laws changing between Mexico and the U.S. Mexico would make a great ally in the war on Terror wouldn’t you say? To fill the hearts of young, red blooded mexicans the fear and hope the contry deserves to give them, and once they’re in, ship them off to Iraq for a dick swinging contest. Sounds good don’t it? Sure! Why the hell not. Increase the population, hell while we’re at it, let’s just tear down the “wall” between Mexico and the U.S. and just let them freely come in. It would save the taxpayers countless billions that we could put into our war efforts, while increasing our population.

    Naa, I see things pretty different Mr. Blogbat, albiet objectionable… but just think of the person you voted for, and if you email or, it doesn’t go anywhere but the trash, so don’t waste your time. You might get a spark out of your congressman, but that’s highly doubtful, seeing as your congressman is probably republican, like yourself and is probably in favor of this. Oh well, hells bells….

  • Ah, again ignorant of Blogbat’s family background you play the Left’s only card: the race card. But if you read my post you would have seen it was anything but hateful and in fact pointed out fairly well that Mexican citizens taken in by the promise of slave-labor and American tax payers being stuck with the bill sure sounds like a good deal indeed – for big business. Your choice to ignore the social, economic, humanitarian and environmental consequences of unregulated immigration tells me you are only choosing a knee-jerk response, instead of a thoughtful one. Your excitedness to be a partisan hack instead of an independent thinker on this matter belies your willingness to see the greater truth and as such, even your own greater potential. Tragic.

  • Dr Arkane: FYI the American Indians were illegals who came from Old World Siberia, if we’re going to play that game. In fact, there’s some evidence these ‘American Indians’ slaughtered the original hominids of the New World.

    If your response to raising the topic of illegal immigration is to cry racist (which, btw, is a theory of biological determinism, since you don’t seem to know what it means), move to Europe, where there’s no First Amendment, as a conservative party in Belgium just discovered by being OUTLAWED by the PC commissars. Sweden too has JAILED people for raising the topic. Sophisticated Europe!

    Mart: Have u read VDH’s Mexifornia? He says the whole thing is not just a mess & a danger, but immoral. We’re allowing these people in to suit the ruling oligarchy in Mexico, but the majority of illegal Mexicans are young men who take backbreaking jobs under the table, so that their bodies are shot by the time they’re 40, which leaves them & their families on assistance.

    Critics say Americans aren’t willing to pay the cost of higher prices for food by giving those jobs to Americans. They’re going to pay the price one way or another. In California, public hospitals all over central & southern California are closing, because they’re overwhelmed by illegals they’re required by law to treat. Americans also pay the price in crime & subsidizing a large unassimilated class of illegals who pay little taxes & live off the productivity of the rest of society.

  • I haven’t read the book, but I’ll czech it out. Sometimes I wonder if the oligarchy here would like things to be as straightforward as they are in Mexico (you know, where everyone knows his place and no one is literate or aware enough to raise his station). It would tie in neatly with the performance already seen by the Left who prefer elitism and have used government entitlements (guaranteed mediocrity) to serve as their modern plantation.

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