November 14, 2003




    Part Trois: Another Birthday, A New Month


    I have, for all intents and purposes seen quite a month since last I had time to post my thoughts in publicly accessible form.


    Today was a long, but productive day in what has been a long, but productive month. I have been busying myself with training which relates to what I daily do in order to keep brining bags of dogfood home to my ever happy pet, while at the same time doing it in my Swedish ragtop (which has had the heated seats and vents going “mit volldampf” since about yesterday). I’ve done a little traveling in the process as well, which I always find part of the fun.



    Yet, I have still found time to attend hockey and football games, parties, catch a few movies, a few restaurants with my friends and make and find new ones. One friend, a Vanderbilt law student from Texas is having her birthday party this weekend, and of course I would be remiss if I were absent from that event. Indeed, anyone who knows her would sooner cut off their right arm than miss such a shin-dig. My only wish is that my friends adore me half as much and that I were half as cool J. But again, I am in good company, so maybe it will rub off.



    So, I have been doing all of this, while at the same time lining up a few horse-trainers so that I may once again be receiving a steady fix of the good stuff: Horses and riding/competing. And somewhere in all of it, I had schemed and committed conspiracy to blog. Simply for naught, as evidence bears out, however. When one cannot find time enough to breathe, one usually cannot find time enough to blog. Now, all of this and yet you know I have certainly been breathing a bit and so also now I blog. And very hopefully I will be able to do so more frequently. Especially since my days of Jedi training have come to their conclusion (as surely, all things must and do) and I have been stockpiling things to say all this time. To my fellow bloggers, I must confess I have missed that rapport to a great degree. Props to Ten, Mish, Vel, and everyone else for being so cool and so missed. To all my visitors (especially the regulars from .edu, .mil, .gov, .de, .ru and of course the .coms and .nets) I’m still alive, come back to Jamaica.



    Over the next couple of weeks prior to Turkey day, I should hopefully be updating both of my blog and news sites with more goodies.



    OKAY! So sticking to my day job: Here's some of what went down today...


    1. Got a Starbuck's Frap

    2. Let the dog out. (yes, I did it, "woof, woof woof") 


    4. Let the dog out. Yes, again.(yes, I did it, "woof, woof woof") 

    5. Ate

    6. Began this blog

    7.Here I am, wasn't that fun?


    *special appearence by Dogbat


    This list is sponsored by the National Abridgate Foundation, sponsoring selected truncated works since 1974.


    "Give me ambiguity...or give me something else."

    ...There's more, but who could get away with selling toenail clippings by calling them Lifesavers?


    The daily Poo

    “Look stimpy! Eeet's Poooooo!”

Comments (5)

  • There you are... tsk tsk... I'd been worried about you! Don't you dare pull another disappearing act like that without warning us first. 

    Enjoy your party this weekend!

    (Lol... and btw... I am ANYTHING but cool... ya silly nut.)

  • Well you always worried about the stuff I might write when im tired, and ive been tired every day The party will be fun, we are gonna hit one of the comedy clubs this evening as well. ALMOST as much fun as Chuck-E Cheese's used to be, I think.

  • yay!!! look stimpy!! 'Eees baaackkkk!!! 

    so nice to see your comments back on my blog..look out for mom! she is a dangerous woman...make her tell about  "the signs"...LOL!!!

  • "Give me ambiguity...or give me something else."

  • Hey!  Good to see you posting again (though I'm remiss in commenting *sigh*).

    Oh yeah, the good stuff.  ^^  I've been making up for three years over the past month with Mikey being fifteen minutes away instead of the usual hour and a half.  I just wish we had enough people to start lessons again, I can get an idea of what I'm doing, but I don't know if I'm doing it well.  It feels like I am, but Mikey's so good he'd probably do it correctly even if I were a sack of potatos.

    Love the pictures!

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