Month: April 2006

  • Another DoS attack (the second today)
    going on
    at Hosting Matters, a major host for weblogs, many of whom are covering the
    American view of the border issue.

    predicts this one, coinciding so close to the May 1st siege on America by
    unlawfully present foreigners will have been found to be caused by our lovely
    horde of same, proving once again how all have clearly come here to work.

    Work however requires definition and
    apparently one of the jobs Americans won’t do anymore is commit cyber crimes. I
    could be wrong, but I have a hunch here.

    Of course, regardless of the culprit Kevin
    Mitnick might not be too happy his job, like the jobs of so many others, is
    being displaced, but Kevin should take heart: It’s really not a cyber crime
    that’s being committed here; it’s cyber terrorism (just as the planned protests
    Monday are economic acts of terrorism). And I quote:

    Terrorism: The unlawful use or threatened use of force
    or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with
    the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for
    ideological or political reasons.

    And for
    good measure, here’s the more specific definition of

    Terrorism practiced by a in a
    foreign country by terrorists who are not native to that country.

    - Source:


    While Mr. Nero
    Рома́нов (Romanov) Carter Bush and Benedict Arnold Vidkun
    Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling

    Ted Kennedy are playing their fiddles and looking up the meaning of the word “vigilante”,
    perhaps they can also crack that dictionary to take a look at the above two
    definitions at the same time.



    Last Year’s round of Hosting Matters
    DoS attacks:
    & 2


    Michelle Malkin has posted her thoughts

    2004 Blogbat Source: DMAT Servers Hijacked in Cyber Terrorism Attempt

